In honor of Halloween, I am dedicating this post to all costume fashion - zombies, pumpkins and everything in between.
Halloween is an adored holiday for the spooky fun, the delicious candy and the amusing costumes. Costumes come in a variety of shapes, sizes and themes. Some choose to honor occupations and tribute celebrities while others dress in disturbing and gruesome witch, zombie or monster costumes. There is an endless possibility of choices, all offering a day of being anyone or anything you want to be.
This year, a trend of dressing as celebrities swept the nation. Celebrities even enjoyed being another person of fame. Ellen Degeneres wore a provocative blouse to mock Nicki Minaj. Matt Lauer squeezed into the famous red swimsuit that Pamela Anderson made famous on Bay Watch.
Today, my Facebook newsfeed flooded with pictures of people, young and old, participating in Halloween fun. A popular choice for youth boys seemed to be characters from the Louisiana based TV show, Duck Dynasty. The boys wore camouflage clothing, a bandanna around their heads and sported the beard that has been made famous by the Robertson family. Naturally, young girls chose to be princesses for the day. Dressed as characters from their favorite princess story, they shined from head to toe in glitter and sparkles.
Aside from elaborate costumes and planned fashion themes, some people simply worked with items already in their closet. Any southern girl has the perfect outfit to double as a cowgirl. Who doesn't have a sports jersey and face paint to be the Brett Favre for the night?
Whereever you are and whoever you are for the night, have a faBOOlous night.