Friday, August 30, 2013

Mississippi : Not Just Overalls and Daisy Dukes


     Many people, especially those who are unfamiliar with the south, have a distorted view of what is fashionable and popular in the deep South. From my knowing, people either assume that our closet consists of Daisy Duke cut off shorts  or large, intricate ball gowns suitable for Scarlett O'Hara. The media and popular television are both largely at fault.
     While large hair and rhinestones seem to always be a favorite in the South, Mississippi is in no way lacking fashion. It may not be Paris, New York or Milan, but Mississippi does have an entire week devoted to fashion. This year's Mississippi Fashion Week was in February in Meridian, MS. The week featured a Style Party as well as a Versace Party. Events ranged from runway shows, seminars, workshops, and The Glamour Gala - Mississippi's only Fashion Awards Show.
     On the Facebook page for the 2013 Mississippi Fashion week, they ask for models to please contact them. The post mentions that plus size models are welcome. This is an outstanding step for MS since there is always some controversy over the size of models The post may only be a small gesture, but it truly shows the acceptance of plus size models and that MS does not have a shallow view of what beauty is.

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