Friday, August 30, 2013

Who I Am

"Crying is for plain women. Pretty women go shopping." - Blanche, The Golden Girls

     As writer of this blog, it is only customary that I first introduce myself to you. My name is Sharley Hamm, and I have no desire to be a plain woman. I am fierce and strong willed. I reach for the stars and do all I can to see my dreams come true. My ambitions usually cause lack of sleep and delusion, but I look forward to achieving all I have my heart set on.
     I grew up in Stringer, MS, a small town an hour north of Hattiesburg. I am a Junior at the University of Southern Mississippi where I am majoring in Public Relations and minoring in Sociology. On top of classes, I have a busy schedule of extracurricular activities. I am the Public Relations Coordinator and Alumnae Communications Chair for Phi Mu sorority, a campus rep for May Designs, on a media team for LTE Entertainment, a PR intern for the College of Arts and Letters at USM, a peer advisor for the International Studies Program at USM, and a PR intern for College Lifestyles Magazine    
     When I find free time, I enjoy playing with my three month old Shorkie (Shih tzu and Yorkie) puppy, Stella. I love to cook and read for relaxation. I especially enjoy shopping and sleeping.
     After graduation, I plan to attend graduate school, hopefully out of state. I ideally would love to work in the country music industry and move to Nashville, Tennessee.


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