Saturday, September 28, 2013

Equality Through Fashion


       Following in other state's footsteps, more and more Mississippi school systems are choosing to require students to wear school uniforms. Previously, private schools were the only schools who had uniforms.  The biggest debate over this decision is the idea of equality and if uniforms are really worth it.
      Requiring students to wear practically identical clothing is supposed to eliminate status and judgement as well as enhance and reinforce school unity. If everyone is wearing the same style of clothing, it is more difficult to know their financial status. Wearing school colors is beneficial to the level of school spirit and appreciation for the school. Uniforms also help with enforcing school dress code.

     Unfortunately, having to buy school uniforms along with regular clothing may increase the amount of money that parents spend on their children's wardrobe. One of the biggest arguments against school uniforms is that it eliminates self-expression. 

If it isn't broke, should you fix it?



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