Wednesday, December 4, 2013

High Dollar Fashion on a Loose Change Budget

     It seems fitting and appropriate that I write about saving money on clothes. After all, I am in college and live on a tight budget. A really tight budget. However, I still manage to buy clothes and will do so before I choose to eat anything besides Ramen Noodles.

     In the judgmental world we live in, we put a price tag on everything. We are willing to pay more money for a shirt at Macy's that you could find at Target. A name brand means more than anything. We pay for status and that satisfies us.

     Thankfully for all of the penny pinching college students, it has became an acceptable trend to shop at thrift stores. Vintage clothes are in and wanted.  It is cooler to wear someone's grandmother's coat from the 1920's than a brand new one from  Chanel.

     At one point in time, people found shame in shopping in thrift stores. Now, we are boastful about the amount of money we can save.

     Lucky for everyone in Hattiesburg, there are some great thrift stores in our area.

     First off, get it out of your head that thrift shops are only the Salvation Army type full of unwanted clothes that are torn, stained and basically ruined. While you can find great finds there, Hattiesburg has shops with awesome vintage and unique items.

     Another great penny pinching idea is shopping in consignment stores. The quality of clothing is high and the shopping experience usually is too.

     So, stop thinking that you have to pay an arm and a leg to be fashionable. Go find great items and save money while you are at it!

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