Saturday, November 30, 2013

Picture Perfect


     The holiday season has officially begun. Everyone is busy decorating their homes, making shopping lists for Christmas.

     Many people choose to send out Christmas or holiday greeting cards. This is specifically a popular tradition in the South where hospitality is at the core of most actions.

     It is very important to choose the right outfit for your photo. I have though of a few tips that might help make your picture perfect rather than pitiful.

1. Consider your background color. You do not want to blend in to whatever you have chosen as a background. Choose contrasting colors but colors that do not clash.

2. Less is more. You don't want everyone to stare at Junior's big yellow hat, do you? Need I say more?

3. Matching is ok, but don't have everyone in identical, footed, pajamas. We know you all are a part of one family. Color coordinating is fine but do not take it to an extreme.

4. No tacky Christmas sweaters or vests. This is not okay.

Don't make your picture so horrible that your card is immediately thrown away or mysteriously lost in the mail.

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