Saturday, November 30, 2013

Celebrity Slouch


      Celebrities are often idolized for their timeless fashion sense that is both sleek and beautiful. We do all we can to buy clothes that mimic whatever out favorite celebrity wore last week.

     How ironic is it that celebrities can get away with looking rather homeless and still be considered "fashionable"? I understand we all have our days where we just cannot muster up the energy to change out of our favorite sweat pants and a hoodie that has multiple holes in it. However, I do not think that status is a free pass to dress like you live in a card board box.

     If I were to go to class or even Wal-Mart in an outfit that didn't match and a hairstyle that obviously wasn't done with a brush, I would be talked about throughout Hattiesburg. Someone might even ask if I was sick or needed to borrow a few dollars. If Jennifer Anniston or Justin Beiber go to lunch and a movie in a bath robe, they are praised for their creative fashion sense and land a feature article in Vogue.

     It is amazing what you can get away with wearing when you manage to look nice for the Emmy's on that one night of the entire year. Congrats to all of the little people who manage to look like they have electricity and a hair brush when running in the store for toilet paper and milk.

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