Saturday, November 30, 2013

Shop 'til ya drop!


     Avid shoppers wait all year long for one very special day full of deals and savings unlike any other. After a day of giving thanks, eating turkey and watching football, it is time to take a short nap and then get in line outside your favorite store.

     Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving and marks the start of the Christmas season. The phenomena began in the early 19th century. On this day, stores would began offering the special holiday sales. Therefore, people rushed to stores on that Friday to begin their Christmas shopping. After President Roosevelt changed Thanksgiving to the next to last Thursday in November, it was declared that the next day would then become the official holiday shopping day. Black Friday gets its name from retailers. The burst of sales causes profits to go into the black range (which is good) rather than the red.

     I enjoy Black Friday. It has became a favorite tradition between for my best friend and myself. We enjoy the thrill and chaos of it all.

     This year, we started late. Since the stored opened on Thanksgiving night this year, Hattiesburg was an absolute mad house. The stores were destroyed, merchandise was strewn across floors and people were in a serious rush.

     Black Friday is a serious event, one that must be carefully planned out and executed.

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