Wednesday, December 4, 2013

White After Labor Day: Yes or No?


      Growing up, I was strictly taught that after the Labor Day holiday we were not to wear predominately white clothing. This rule was universal, at least so I thought. Women across the South follow the rule strictly, some even to extremes.

     The rule began in the 1800s to show wealth and status. Once everyone began wearing white clothing, the upper class began imposing fashion rules; no white after labor day being one of them. Also, once the temperatures dropped chimneys began being used. White clothing would have been ruined by ashes and soot had they been worn during the winter months.

      In 1894, Labor Day became a federal holiday and was adopted as the official end of summer. It was decided that white was color of summer, not fall.’t-you-wear-white-after-labor-day

     A place hesitant of change, the South has strongly adhered to this rule. The South is modest, especially in the area of fashion. This rule is one of many that our graceful Southern Belles have deeply implemented into our roots. Studies even show that southern women follow this rule more than anyone else in the world.

     Articles have often been written thanking celebrities for wearing white after Labor Day, proving to the world that this fashion faux pas is of the past. If Kim Kardashian can do it, so can you.

     Today's fashion experts say that white is acceptable after Labor Day as long as it is coordinated with the season and temperature. For example, a white sweater in December or a white scarf is perfectly fine for cool temperatures. However, white linen pants would not be proper attire during the winter months unless you are vacationing in Jamaica.

     Consider fabric, temperature, season and location. After all, winter white is a phrase for some reason.

High Dollar Fashion on a Loose Change Budget

     It seems fitting and appropriate that I write about saving money on clothes. After all, I am in college and live on a tight budget. A really tight budget. However, I still manage to buy clothes and will do so before I choose to eat anything besides Ramen Noodles.

     In the judgmental world we live in, we put a price tag on everything. We are willing to pay more money for a shirt at Macy's that you could find at Target. A name brand means more than anything. We pay for status and that satisfies us.

     Thankfully for all of the penny pinching college students, it has became an acceptable trend to shop at thrift stores. Vintage clothes are in and wanted.  It is cooler to wear someone's grandmother's coat from the 1920's than a brand new one from  Chanel.

     At one point in time, people found shame in shopping in thrift stores. Now, we are boastful about the amount of money we can save.

     Lucky for everyone in Hattiesburg, there are some great thrift stores in our area.

     First off, get it out of your head that thrift shops are only the Salvation Army type full of unwanted clothes that are torn, stained and basically ruined. While you can find great finds there, Hattiesburg has shops with awesome vintage and unique items.

     Another great penny pinching idea is shopping in consignment stores. The quality of clothing is high and the shopping experience usually is too.

     So, stop thinking that you have to pay an arm and a leg to be fashionable. Go find great items and save money while you are at it!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Picture Perfect


     The holiday season has officially begun. Everyone is busy decorating their homes, making shopping lists for Christmas.

     Many people choose to send out Christmas or holiday greeting cards. This is specifically a popular tradition in the South where hospitality is at the core of most actions.

     It is very important to choose the right outfit for your photo. I have though of a few tips that might help make your picture perfect rather than pitiful.

1. Consider your background color. You do not want to blend in to whatever you have chosen as a background. Choose contrasting colors but colors that do not clash.

2. Less is more. You don't want everyone to stare at Junior's big yellow hat, do you? Need I say more?

3. Matching is ok, but don't have everyone in identical, footed, pajamas. We know you all are a part of one family. Color coordinating is fine but do not take it to an extreme.

4. No tacky Christmas sweaters or vests. This is not okay.

Don't make your picture so horrible that your card is immediately thrown away or mysteriously lost in the mail.

Celebrity Slouch


      Celebrities are often idolized for their timeless fashion sense that is both sleek and beautiful. We do all we can to buy clothes that mimic whatever out favorite celebrity wore last week.

     How ironic is it that celebrities can get away with looking rather homeless and still be considered "fashionable"? I understand we all have our days where we just cannot muster up the energy to change out of our favorite sweat pants and a hoodie that has multiple holes in it. However, I do not think that status is a free pass to dress like you live in a card board box.

     If I were to go to class or even Wal-Mart in an outfit that didn't match and a hairstyle that obviously wasn't done with a brush, I would be talked about throughout Hattiesburg. Someone might even ask if I was sick or needed to borrow a few dollars. If Jennifer Anniston or Justin Beiber go to lunch and a movie in a bath robe, they are praised for their creative fashion sense and land a feature article in Vogue.

     It is amazing what you can get away with wearing when you manage to look nice for the Emmy's on that one night of the entire year. Congrats to all of the little people who manage to look like they have electricity and a hair brush when running in the store for toilet paper and milk.

Shop 'til ya drop!


     Avid shoppers wait all year long for one very special day full of deals and savings unlike any other. After a day of giving thanks, eating turkey and watching football, it is time to take a short nap and then get in line outside your favorite store.

     Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving and marks the start of the Christmas season. The phenomena began in the early 19th century. On this day, stores would began offering the special holiday sales. Therefore, people rushed to stores on that Friday to begin their Christmas shopping. After President Roosevelt changed Thanksgiving to the next to last Thursday in November, it was declared that the next day would then become the official holiday shopping day. Black Friday gets its name from retailers. The burst of sales causes profits to go into the black range (which is good) rather than the red.

     I enjoy Black Friday. It has became a favorite tradition between for my best friend and myself. We enjoy the thrill and chaos of it all.

     This year, we started late. Since the stored opened on Thanksgiving night this year, Hattiesburg was an absolute mad house. The stores were destroyed, merchandise was strewn across floors and people were in a serious rush.

     Black Friday is a serious event, one that must be carefully planned out and executed.

Furry Fashion


     With the weather getting colder, I have been concerned about my puppy, Stella, being too cold when walking outside. I have never had a toy breed dog nor have I ever thought about buying a dog clothes. It is a struggle to keep a bow in Stella's hair for more than 5 seconds.

     I have been pleasantly surprised at the variety of clothing choices for dogs. I was even just simply surprised when I saw that you can even buy doggie shoes.

     Apparently I have been oblivious to the fabulous world of dog fashion. Not only is there an entire week dedicated to dog fashion, dogs even have their own fashion magazines.

     Dog Fashion Week is a large event with high profile attendees. The 2013 event was held in El Paso, Texas. This week dedicated to pet fashion and the creative designers has inspired pet fashion shows across the world.

     Modern Dog Magazine is a popular, high-end fashion magazine for dogs. The magazine claims to be Vogue for dogs. It keeps owners up to date on how to keep their furry friends fabulous both inside and out.

    While I may not make Stella become a model, I do think a cute sweater would keep her cozy. Maybe Santa will bring her a subscription to Modern Dog Magazine.

City versus Country - Kid's Edition


      Generally speaking, children go through several outfits a day. From spilling an entire cup of juice on their new white shirt to sitting on an unwrapped candy bar, these little things are messy. While the types of stains on the clothes are the same, popular children's clothing styles vary from the city to the country.

Dress Clothes

     Children usually look like miniature adults. While children's style is not extremely district, there are some differences. In the city, dress clothes are usually more modern. Boys may be more likely to be seen in ties while girls wear nicer dresses. Children in larger cities are also more likely to sport designer brands.

     It is very easy to describe the dress style for children in the South. For girls, any dress smocked or monogram is perfect. A matching bow for their hair is a must. Boys are usually in jeans, button down shirts, and boots.

Play Clothes

     Casual kid's clothes in cities usually include a graphic t-shirt with stylist boots or tennis shoes. Boys are usually in flat-bill hats while girls may simply wear a cute headband.

     Country children tend to get a little more dirtier when playing. Boys and girls alike usually wear t-shirts of their favorite sports team or vacation spot and tennis shoes.