Wednesday, December 4, 2013

White After Labor Day: Yes or No?


      Growing up, I was strictly taught that after the Labor Day holiday we were not to wear predominately white clothing. This rule was universal, at least so I thought. Women across the South follow the rule strictly, some even to extremes.

     The rule began in the 1800s to show wealth and status. Once everyone began wearing white clothing, the upper class began imposing fashion rules; no white after labor day being one of them. Also, once the temperatures dropped chimneys began being used. White clothing would have been ruined by ashes and soot had they been worn during the winter months.

      In 1894, Labor Day became a federal holiday and was adopted as the official end of summer. It was decided that white was color of summer, not fall.’t-you-wear-white-after-labor-day

     A place hesitant of change, the South has strongly adhered to this rule. The South is modest, especially in the area of fashion. This rule is one of many that our graceful Southern Belles have deeply implemented into our roots. Studies even show that southern women follow this rule more than anyone else in the world.

     Articles have often been written thanking celebrities for wearing white after Labor Day, proving to the world that this fashion faux pas is of the past. If Kim Kardashian can do it, so can you.

     Today's fashion experts say that white is acceptable after Labor Day as long as it is coordinated with the season and temperature. For example, a white sweater in December or a white scarf is perfectly fine for cool temperatures. However, white linen pants would not be proper attire during the winter months unless you are vacationing in Jamaica.

     Consider fabric, temperature, season and location. After all, winter white is a phrase for some reason.

High Dollar Fashion on a Loose Change Budget

     It seems fitting and appropriate that I write about saving money on clothes. After all, I am in college and live on a tight budget. A really tight budget. However, I still manage to buy clothes and will do so before I choose to eat anything besides Ramen Noodles.

     In the judgmental world we live in, we put a price tag on everything. We are willing to pay more money for a shirt at Macy's that you could find at Target. A name brand means more than anything. We pay for status and that satisfies us.

     Thankfully for all of the penny pinching college students, it has became an acceptable trend to shop at thrift stores. Vintage clothes are in and wanted.  It is cooler to wear someone's grandmother's coat from the 1920's than a brand new one from  Chanel.

     At one point in time, people found shame in shopping in thrift stores. Now, we are boastful about the amount of money we can save.

     Lucky for everyone in Hattiesburg, there are some great thrift stores in our area.

     First off, get it out of your head that thrift shops are only the Salvation Army type full of unwanted clothes that are torn, stained and basically ruined. While you can find great finds there, Hattiesburg has shops with awesome vintage and unique items.

     Another great penny pinching idea is shopping in consignment stores. The quality of clothing is high and the shopping experience usually is too.

     So, stop thinking that you have to pay an arm and a leg to be fashionable. Go find great items and save money while you are at it!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Picture Perfect


     The holiday season has officially begun. Everyone is busy decorating their homes, making shopping lists for Christmas.

     Many people choose to send out Christmas or holiday greeting cards. This is specifically a popular tradition in the South where hospitality is at the core of most actions.

     It is very important to choose the right outfit for your photo. I have though of a few tips that might help make your picture perfect rather than pitiful.

1. Consider your background color. You do not want to blend in to whatever you have chosen as a background. Choose contrasting colors but colors that do not clash.

2. Less is more. You don't want everyone to stare at Junior's big yellow hat, do you? Need I say more?

3. Matching is ok, but don't have everyone in identical, footed, pajamas. We know you all are a part of one family. Color coordinating is fine but do not take it to an extreme.

4. No tacky Christmas sweaters or vests. This is not okay.

Don't make your picture so horrible that your card is immediately thrown away or mysteriously lost in the mail.

Celebrity Slouch


      Celebrities are often idolized for their timeless fashion sense that is both sleek and beautiful. We do all we can to buy clothes that mimic whatever out favorite celebrity wore last week.

     How ironic is it that celebrities can get away with looking rather homeless and still be considered "fashionable"? I understand we all have our days where we just cannot muster up the energy to change out of our favorite sweat pants and a hoodie that has multiple holes in it. However, I do not think that status is a free pass to dress like you live in a card board box.

     If I were to go to class or even Wal-Mart in an outfit that didn't match and a hairstyle that obviously wasn't done with a brush, I would be talked about throughout Hattiesburg. Someone might even ask if I was sick or needed to borrow a few dollars. If Jennifer Anniston or Justin Beiber go to lunch and a movie in a bath robe, they are praised for their creative fashion sense and land a feature article in Vogue.

     It is amazing what you can get away with wearing when you manage to look nice for the Emmy's on that one night of the entire year. Congrats to all of the little people who manage to look like they have electricity and a hair brush when running in the store for toilet paper and milk.

Shop 'til ya drop!


     Avid shoppers wait all year long for one very special day full of deals and savings unlike any other. After a day of giving thanks, eating turkey and watching football, it is time to take a short nap and then get in line outside your favorite store.

     Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving and marks the start of the Christmas season. The phenomena began in the early 19th century. On this day, stores would began offering the special holiday sales. Therefore, people rushed to stores on that Friday to begin their Christmas shopping. After President Roosevelt changed Thanksgiving to the next to last Thursday in November, it was declared that the next day would then become the official holiday shopping day. Black Friday gets its name from retailers. The burst of sales causes profits to go into the black range (which is good) rather than the red.

     I enjoy Black Friday. It has became a favorite tradition between for my best friend and myself. We enjoy the thrill and chaos of it all.

     This year, we started late. Since the stored opened on Thanksgiving night this year, Hattiesburg was an absolute mad house. The stores were destroyed, merchandise was strewn across floors and people were in a serious rush.

     Black Friday is a serious event, one that must be carefully planned out and executed.

Furry Fashion


     With the weather getting colder, I have been concerned about my puppy, Stella, being too cold when walking outside. I have never had a toy breed dog nor have I ever thought about buying a dog clothes. It is a struggle to keep a bow in Stella's hair for more than 5 seconds.

     I have been pleasantly surprised at the variety of clothing choices for dogs. I was even just simply surprised when I saw that you can even buy doggie shoes.

     Apparently I have been oblivious to the fabulous world of dog fashion. Not only is there an entire week dedicated to dog fashion, dogs even have their own fashion magazines.

     Dog Fashion Week is a large event with high profile attendees. The 2013 event was held in El Paso, Texas. This week dedicated to pet fashion and the creative designers has inspired pet fashion shows across the world.

     Modern Dog Magazine is a popular, high-end fashion magazine for dogs. The magazine claims to be Vogue for dogs. It keeps owners up to date on how to keep their furry friends fabulous both inside and out.

    While I may not make Stella become a model, I do think a cute sweater would keep her cozy. Maybe Santa will bring her a subscription to Modern Dog Magazine.

City versus Country - Kid's Edition


      Generally speaking, children go through several outfits a day. From spilling an entire cup of juice on their new white shirt to sitting on an unwrapped candy bar, these little things are messy. While the types of stains on the clothes are the same, popular children's clothing styles vary from the city to the country.

Dress Clothes

     Children usually look like miniature adults. While children's style is not extremely district, there are some differences. In the city, dress clothes are usually more modern. Boys may be more likely to be seen in ties while girls wear nicer dresses. Children in larger cities are also more likely to sport designer brands.

     It is very easy to describe the dress style for children in the South. For girls, any dress smocked or monogram is perfect. A matching bow for their hair is a must. Boys are usually in jeans, button down shirts, and boots.

Play Clothes

     Casual kid's clothes in cities usually include a graphic t-shirt with stylist boots or tennis shoes. Boys are usually in flat-bill hats while girls may simply wear a cute headband.

     Country children tend to get a little more dirtier when playing. Boys and girls alike usually wear t-shirts of their favorite sports team or vacation spot and tennis shoes.

City versus Country - Women's Edition




     From high heels to flats and from diamonds to pearls, women have a long list of items to choose from when creating an outfit. This list is generally universal. However, for women in two distinct regional areas, the country and the city, their closets may have few similarities.

Work Wear

     In cities, standards for women have evolved more so than in rural areas. It is more acceptable for women to work outside of the home and even in large corporations that were previously dominated by men. City streets can be full of men and women rushing to their office buildings. Women look very professional in skirt suits or nice, fitted dresses. Heels are an appropriate shoe and jewelry is kept to a minimum in order to maintain a professional look and status.

     In the country, women are more likely to stay home. These women most likely are dressed very casual in yoga pants and t-shirts on a regular basis. Common professions in southern areas include education and health. While teachers dress in business casual, nurses are comfortable and relaxed in scrubs

Date Night

     In a city full of fabulous activities, women have the chance to dress up and look their best. A night on the town calls for a sassy dress, classy heels, and eye-catching jewelry. A more casual look may be nice jeans, a flowy blouse and a shorter heel.

     A country girl may have a slighter different idea of what the perfect date night outfit looks like. A southern girl may choose a flowy dress and boots or jeans, a fashionable blouse and wedge sandals.

"Fashion fades. Only style remains the same." -Coco Chanel

Sunday, November 10, 2013

City versus Country - Men's Edition

     There is a distinct line separating the North and the South in both geographical and cultural aspects. Above the Mason Dixon Line, the way of life, the taste of food, and the type of fashion is different.

     This is the first entry in a three part series dedicated to the difference in  fashion in these two regions.    First, let's compare men's fashion - from pleated suits to dusty cowboy boots.

Work Wear

      Generally speaking, when we think of the occupations of males in northern states we think of bankers, lawyers, and anyone else who drives a foreign car and has an Armani suit in every style. When at work they are dressed as if they just stepped out of a GQ ad. From head to toe everything is crisp, clean, and perfectly made. A suit, tie, button down shirt and shiny, leather shoes is the appropriate work attire for men in these fields.

     Being that the South relies heavily on farming, forestry and oil production, a majority of men work in these fields. A suit and tie are far from appropriate when drilling deep into the ground in search for oil. Newly polished shoes are no use when driving a tractor or walking in the dirtiest of outdoor settings. Men in the South have a very different work attire consisting of Carhartt pants or bluejeans. Of course, no man is ready for work without his steel toe boots or cowboy boots.

Date Night

     While being in an artistic, larger city in northern states a date has endless possibilities. From a live show to dinner at a five star restaurant, the dress code is more formal. Men there dress in nice pants, a casual button up top, and nice shoes.

      In the South, date settings are usually more casual. Men are presentable in jeans, a collard shirt, and boots.

Two different worlds call for two different types of attire. While neither is better than the other, they are both different.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Classy Camo

     Television does not always give a positive fashion impression. Reality TV is usually full of provocative outfits.

     The hit show Duck Dynasty, however, makes a different statement,

     The women of the show are tastefully dressed and advise their children to do the same. They dress appropriate to the weather and limit the amount of skin they reveal.

     The men, being avid hunters, are dressed in camouflage. The show has influenced Halloween costumes  and dress up days at schools across the country.

     With Hattiesburg being heavily populated with young people, the fashion is influenced by popular television. The cast of Duck Dynasty demonstrates that dressing provocative isn't necessary to make an impression on the world. The women dress conservatively while still being exceptionally fashionable.

     Being modestly dressed can still mean dressing fashionably. Be happy happy happy in the clothes you wear.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Spooktacular Fashion

     In honor of Halloween, I am dedicating this post to all costume fashion - zombies, pumpkins and everything in between.

     Halloween is an adored holiday for the spooky fun, the delicious candy and the amusing costumes. Costumes come in a variety of shapes, sizes and themes. Some choose to honor occupations and tribute celebrities while others dress in disturbing and gruesome witch, zombie or monster costumes. There is an endless possibility of choices, all offering a day of being anyone or anything you want to be.

     This year, a trend of dressing as celebrities swept the nation. Celebrities even enjoyed being another person of fame. Ellen Degeneres wore a provocative blouse to mock Nicki Minaj. Matt Lauer squeezed into the famous red swimsuit that Pamela Anderson made famous on Bay Watch. 

     Today, my Facebook newsfeed flooded with pictures of people, young and old, participating in Halloween fun. A popular choice for youth boys seemed to be characters from the Louisiana based TV show, Duck Dynasty. The boys wore camouflage clothing, a bandanna around their heads and sported the beard that has been made famous by the Robertson family. Naturally, young girls chose to be princesses for the day. Dressed as characters from their favorite princess story, they shined from head to toe in glitter and sparkles.

     Aside from elaborate costumes and planned fashion themes, some people simply worked with items already in their closet. Any southern girl has the perfect outfit to double as a cowgirl. Who doesn't have a sports jersey and face paint to be the Brett Favre for the night?

     Whereever you are and whoever you are for the night, have a faBOOlous night.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Fall Fashion TO THE TOP!

     As I have mentioned in a previous post, college students at The University of Southern Mississippi very much so influence the fashion trends of the Hattiesburg area. They decide what is hot...or not.

     With a new season comes new trends. Here in south Mississippi, especially at Southern Miss, fall fashion is perfected with a touch of southern style. Popular trends this fall are animal prints, leggings, boots and plaid.

     Scarves are possibly the most popular fall fashion trend. More specifically, leopard print scarves are a favorite choice of many Southern Miss students. It is almost the equivalent of the little black dress in the fact that every girl needs one. Scarves can dress up a casual outfit, finish off the perfect dress, or simply keep you warm.

     The million dollar question in the year 2013 is if leggings are pants or undergarments. At Southern Miss, leggings are most definitely the favorite choice or girls across campus and are considered pants. While leggings come in a wide variety, wearing some with a print under a dress is a way to be game day ready.

     A southern girl's boots are always made for walking! In south Mississippi, the perfect pair of cowgirl boots complete every fall outfit. This southern trend definitely explains itself.

     Plaid is now more fashionable than ever. While conventionally being the choice of farmers and residents of rural areas, it is now one of the hottest trends all over the world. An oversized plaid shirt, leggings and cowgirl boots make an easy outfit for class at Southern Miss.

     Fall weather has moved in. Southern Miss students are bringing fall fashion straight to the top!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Pearls and Pantyhose


     The South is a place of strictly implemented traditions that are slow to evolve. One of the largest traditions is going to church. This is a regular occurrence in southern culture. Every Sunday is a intricate act including many southern familiarities from a traditional church service to a lunch of fried chicken or pot roast around the table full of small, slow talk and big, loud accents.

     Traditionally, church attire has been very particular and reliable in the south. Being an extremely religious and modest region, people are expected to dress accordingly to church services.

     With Hattiesburg being an increasingly modernized town with more open minded residents that more rural parts of the state, church attire has become more relaxed. In the past, women were seen in skirt suits, pantyhose, pearls, high heels, and exaggerated hats like they were extras in the wedding scene of the southern classic, Steele Magnolias. Women now wear less formal dresses and occasionally avoid high heels. Men would be seen in suit and ties, far from overalls, boots and work wear. Currently, men wear khaki pants and a button up shirt.

     Church is unfortunately a competitive setting where fashion is an important aspect. Although recent dress codes are more relaxed, southerners expect everyone to look their best from their pearls to their pantyhose.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Southern Staples


     Every wardrobe is not complete without a few staple items that truly finish a perfect outfit. These items are the "go-to" clothing that an entire outfit can revolve around. Essential staple items are ready and waiting in your closet to save the day. In the South, there is a different type of go-to items.

     Cowgirl boots are an absolute must in the deep South. They are a versatile fashion accessory that is perfect for all seasons and weather. They can go from day to night, dress an outfit down or up and are reliably comfortable and fashionable. From a night of dancing to simply looking sassy, cowgirl boots are the perfect southern staple and wardrobe item.

     Whether it is to cover up your bare shoulders or to add a finishing touch to a great outfit, a denim jackets is a must have for any southern girl. A cute, denim jacket is perfect in fall weather when the temperature drops at night. It also is a great accessory for a sun dress. It finishes off your closet and is a staple piece for the entire year.

     Nothing compliments a sweet southern summer like a flirty white sun dress. Whether it is strapless or complete with dainty cap sleeves, a white sun dress is an outfit for any occasion. It can be dressed up with wedges and jewelry or left casual with flip-flops. It is also adorable with the combination of cowgirls boots and a denim jacket. A white sun dress is a wonderful staple for your closet. Just be sure to wear it before Labor Day!

     A southern lady is not complete without pearl earrings. Pearl earrings are the ultimate southern staple that can complete every outfit imaginable. Their elegance and beauty undeniably make them a southern girl's best friend. Regardless of the occasion or outfit, pearl earrings are the perfect finishing touch.

     With these four items, you can create a great outfit together or add them to other pieces.

Friday, October 11, 2013

The Mississippi Snowball

Photo Credit: Lights Jewelers and Gemologists Website

It is snowing in Mississippi!

    Just kidding....

     Across the state, one elegant jewelry collection  is being worn by women of all ages. The Mississippi Snowball is on everyone's birthday and Christmas lists. It is fashionable, simple, and perfectly southern.

     The Missississppi Snowball, an original and copyrighted creation by the gemologists at Lights Jewelers and Gemologists in Hattiesburg, MS, is a cluster of small pearls. There is over 100 necklace chain choices, 35 earring styles, 3 bracelets, and one ring. The most popular item is the snowball necklace, which has become a true fashion statement in Hattiesburg and the surrounding areas.

     Due to the incredible popularity of the Mississippi Snowball jewelry collection, several other versions have been created by including the Perdido Pearl and the Mississippi Cotton Ball.

     The necklace is seen around the necks of woman of all demographics all across the state. It has became a symbol of residency and status. It is the state jewelry piece, if you will.

     For not only the Hattiesburg area but also for the state as an entirety, the Mississippi Snowball creates unity of all women alike. Now, year around Mississippi is covered in snow.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Shopping Online - It's What a Girl Wants!


     The world we live in truly is fast paced. We use drive-thrus for meals, pay our bills online, and can even deposit checks into our bank accounts by taking a picture. Relying on the Internet has become more and more popular.

     Social media is one of the most worshipped inventions of our time. You can virtually talk, view, or share anything with anyone, at anytime on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Shopping on social networks is the newest online trend.

     Selling and buying on social networks goes beyond for sale ads on personal pages or common interest groups. While local boutiques advertise online, some stores are strictly online and on social media sites.

     One boutique that I am an avid customer of is called IIt's What a Girl Wants. The store is owned by my mom's friend who started the business to gain extra money while helping women, who like her, were crunched for time and money.

     She buys clothing online through different wholesalers. She then advertises the products on the boutiques Facebook page. Since she purchases the clothing at wholesale price, she does not feel the need to increase the price of each item significantly.

     This trend is especially beneficial to women in the southern parts of the United States. In the South, many women stay at home to take care of children and other duties; therefore, shopping at home can be more convenient. When boutiques are strictly online, the owners can save money on bills that would be used to keep a store open. Saving this money can in return allow them to lower the cost of clothing. In a poor economy in a part of the country which is more poverty stricken, saving every penny counts. This trend is also helpful for women who would like to generate an extra income. With the store being virtual, it is possible to work a full time job and sell clothing online after your working hours.

     Unfortunately, the rising popularity of these online only boutiques may hurt other local boutiques in the Hattiesburg area. Small stores do well in the South, but shopping from home is such a convince.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Tying a Southern Knot


       The South has a very distinct style, especially when it comes to weddings. Every little girl dreams of a big, large, southern wedding complete with all of the bells and whistles. Southern weddings are usually very traditional, especially when it comes to the choice of dresses.

       Recently, there is a rising popularity in a new southern wedding style. Pastel dresses, cowboy boots, and a slightly more casual attire has became all the rage. The style has been referred to as rustic chic or southern chic

      Southern weddings are often outdoor settings with rustic decorations and a natural feel. The bride is elegant in a large ball gown or  a lacy, fitted dress. Guys are recently more casual in button downs and a nice pant. Bridesmaids are generally in shorter gowns . To complete the southern feel, everyone wears cowboy boots.

      This style has been a huge hit this past summer with weddings. Southern chic is a country twist to the conventional wedding style. With Hattiesburg being a popular site for weddings, this area has been familiarized with the southern chic style. 

                                                     Photo Credit: Peacock Photo Blog

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

On Wednesdays, we wear PINK!

Photo Credit: Eve Marie's Boutique Facebook 

     In honor of October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Eve Marie's Boutique in Hattiesburg will donate part of their sales to a local Breast Cancer Awareness Foundation. This is a great way for the boutique to give back to their community, especially with it being a women's store.

      In Mississippi, out of 1,000 woman 314 will be diagnosed with breast cancer. Eve Marie's small effort will make a huge impact on the Hattiesburg community. Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of death in women.

      The idea around Eve Marie's campaign comes from the movie Mean Girls. A famous line from the movie is, "On Wednesdays, we wear pink." With pink being the symbolic color for breast cancer awareness, the line is perfect inspiration for this campaign.

      Eve Marie's is an avid supporter of shopping local. The boutique strives to give back to the Hattiesburg community so that consumers support them in return. This helps to positively effect the local economy, increase unity in the community, and create a positive image for Hattiesburg.

Photo Credit: Eve Marie's Boutique Facebook

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Equality Through Fashion


       Following in other state's footsteps, more and more Mississippi school systems are choosing to require students to wear school uniforms. Previously, private schools were the only schools who had uniforms.  The biggest debate over this decision is the idea of equality and if uniforms are really worth it.
      Requiring students to wear practically identical clothing is supposed to eliminate status and judgement as well as enhance and reinforce school unity. If everyone is wearing the same style of clothing, it is more difficult to know their financial status. Wearing school colors is beneficial to the level of school spirit and appreciation for the school. Uniforms also help with enforcing school dress code.

     Unfortunately, having to buy school uniforms along with regular clothing may increase the amount of money that parents spend on their children's wardrobe. One of the biggest arguments against school uniforms is that it eliminates self-expression. 

If it isn't broke, should you fix it?



Thursday, September 19, 2013

College Cozy


     My favorite aspect of college is not the parties or the idea of being on my own. I love the fact that I could wear anything I wanted, which of course was a t-shirt and shorts. I quickly learned that college has its very own dress code, one I like to call college cozy.  College cozy consists of oversized t-shirts, shorts or leggings (depending on gender and season) and flip flops, boots, or Cole Haan's (again, depending on gender and season). I feel that this style was initiated by the Greek community. This slouchy look is extremely acceptable and definitely a norm.
     Being that Hattiesburg is a college town, I have noticed that this style has extended to the high school age group. Fashion is extremely influential. We are defined by our style. With college cozy being accepted by college students, high school kids probably consider themselves extremely stylish when dressing in a t-shirt three times their size.
      There is a lot of irony to this phenomenon. We actually think we look cool. The  reality is we look effortlessly homeless. My mom has desperately tried to get me to understand that leggings are not pants. I ignore her, after all I am in college. I should know what is considered stylish. Right?

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Keep Calm and Shop Local

     Southern economics relies heavily on local shopping. Hattiesburg and the surrounding areas have a variety of boutiques and other fashion retailers that are locally owned. Consumers value the relationship that is made between small business owners and the customers. Shopping local is a special experience. You are not only putting money back into the community but you can also enjoy having your name and face remembered.

     Each year on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, shoppers across the country enjoy Small Business Saturday. The holiday is a twist off of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Small Business Saturday supports and celebrates small businesses everywhere.

     This holiday is very beneficial for small towns like Hattiesburg that are built on the foundation of small businesses. Customers may decide to shop it boutiques that they do not normally go into and then become regulars. This is perfect timing considering people are generally buying for Christmas after the Thanksgiving holiday.

Do your part to support local businesses. Keep Calm and Shop Local!

Saturday, September 14, 2013


     The Pine Belt area has a local magazine called Signature, a "Scene and Be Seen" magazine. Signature Magazine is published monthly by Hub City Spokes. The September fashion issue is a collection of advertisements and description of local boutiques, a 2013 Best Dressed section and wonderful fashion photos accompanied with perfect style quotes.

     Some boutiques are chains, like Material Girls, some are exclusive to the area ,like Jessi Jayne  in Purvis. The Best Dressed Section features a variety of professionals in the Hattiesburg area who are very fashion forward. The professions range from teachers to CEOs. Each winner describes their style, most prized accessory, and their style icon. The photography spread shows local girls modeling outfits from boutiques in the area.

     Everyone in the area hopes, dreams and aspires to see their smiling face in an issue of Signature. For fashionistas alike, it is an honor to be in the September issue. Signature really shows the class and style of the Pine Belt area. It shines a light on the events and style that are executed with southern flair.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

A Football Field Fashion Show


     Homecoming is a well-liked tradition, especially in the South. It has become more than a time to gather with friends and support your school. It has evolved into a fashion show, played out on a green carpet.

     Southerners go big or go home when it comes to football, food, dresses, and hair - all of which are apart of a homecoming. In high school especially, girls live to be on the homecoming court. It is a night to be your school's royalty. Picking the perfect dress is crucial.

     As soon as school starts, dress shops begin advertising all of the new styles. Large, lavish ball gowns are usually the perfect choice. Glitter and sparkle are an absolute must, after all you must be the talk of the town. As for hair, the bigger the better. During homecoming season, beauty and dress shops are packed with girls who are ready to be dolled up for their fifteen minutes of fame. Everyone gets to enjoy the glitz if there is a homecoming dance, which is practically a miniature prom. Popular homecoming dresses are generally shorter and cocktail style.

     The South prioritizes homecoming events. It is necessary to look your best. Go big or go home.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Football Fashion


      Football season has become more than tailgating, fried chicken platters, painted chests and team chants.   It seems that games are now an undeclared fashion show, especially among Southern women. You can no longer throw on your favorite jersey and lip gloss and still be the best dressed (You may however be the most comfortable--besides the point). Females now spend hours choosing the perfect outfit that coordinates with their team's colors. Heels are even the expected shoes, despite the grass and bleachers that must be conquered before the game even starts. Local boutiques in the Hattiesburg area showcase items that are colors of favorite teams. stores often put together entire outfits, therefore taking the effort out of looking fabulous.

     Looking fashionable is difficult, especially in the southern heat. Many blogs and articles explain how to look your best without "melting". The biggest tip is to accessorize and keep your actual clothes to comfortable fabrics and solid colors.

     The South is making a fashionable statement. Football games are now a chance to look your best. You might even say it is the modern day Kentucky Derby.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

CLICK into Fashion

Photo Credit: Click Boutique Facebook Page

     More and more high-end labels are being sold and worn in Hattiesburg, MS. One of the most iconic stores is a classy, fun boutique called Click. Click features fun, flirty clothing with a retro twist. The colors are as vibrant as the wonderful staff who are always willing to help you put together an outfit that compliments you.

     Click is located on Front Street in the downtown area. The owners, Jason LaViere and Adam Myrick, are very passionate about Hattiesburg, especially Downtown.  Click has not only made a fashionable impression on the city but has also lit a fire in the heart of Hattiesburg residents to re-establish and appreciate the downtown area, as it once was.

     Downtown has seemingly been forgotten in the Hub City. This is a shame since at one point, downtown was the heart of the city. The area has so much potential and LaViere and Myrick are doing their part to reveal all downtown has to offer. They have a vision for what Hattiesburg can be and their small boutique is where it all starts. The duo hope to bring the entire city together and create a sense of community that Downtown has been missing.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Mississippi : Not Just Overalls and Daisy Dukes


     Many people, especially those who are unfamiliar with the south, have a distorted view of what is fashionable and popular in the deep South. From my knowing, people either assume that our closet consists of Daisy Duke cut off shorts  or large, intricate ball gowns suitable for Scarlett O'Hara. The media and popular television are both largely at fault.
     While large hair and rhinestones seem to always be a favorite in the South, Mississippi is in no way lacking fashion. It may not be Paris, New York or Milan, but Mississippi does have an entire week devoted to fashion. This year's Mississippi Fashion Week was in February in Meridian, MS. The week featured a Style Party as well as a Versace Party. Events ranged from runway shows, seminars, workshops, and The Glamour Gala - Mississippi's only Fashion Awards Show.
     On the Facebook page for the 2013 Mississippi Fashion week, they ask for models to please contact them. The post mentions that plus size models are welcome. This is an outstanding step for MS since there is always some controversy over the size of models The post may only be a small gesture, but it truly shows the acceptance of plus size models and that MS does not have a shallow view of what beauty is.

Who I Am

"Crying is for plain women. Pretty women go shopping." - Blanche, The Golden Girls

     As writer of this blog, it is only customary that I first introduce myself to you. My name is Sharley Hamm, and I have no desire to be a plain woman. I am fierce and strong willed. I reach for the stars and do all I can to see my dreams come true. My ambitions usually cause lack of sleep and delusion, but I look forward to achieving all I have my heart set on.
     I grew up in Stringer, MS, a small town an hour north of Hattiesburg. I am a Junior at the University of Southern Mississippi where I am majoring in Public Relations and minoring in Sociology. On top of classes, I have a busy schedule of extracurricular activities. I am the Public Relations Coordinator and Alumnae Communications Chair for Phi Mu sorority, a campus rep for May Designs, on a media team for LTE Entertainment, a PR intern for the College of Arts and Letters at USM, a peer advisor for the International Studies Program at USM, and a PR intern for College Lifestyles Magazine    
     When I find free time, I enjoy playing with my three month old Shorkie (Shih tzu and Yorkie) puppy, Stella. I love to cook and read for relaxation. I especially enjoy shopping and sleeping.
     After graduation, I plan to attend graduate school, hopefully out of state. I ideally would love to work in the country music industry and move to Nashville, Tennessee.